Sunday, 6 February 2011

Who would have known Bitter is good for you??

How exciting! I went to town yesterday to buy young fresh coconuts at the Thai store. I have been missing coconut water in my smoothies. They did not have any so instead I walked over to have a look at their herbs section. So much to choose from, and so many I dont know. Anyway, I let instinct rule and picket a few. Wild greens and herbs have so mant more minerals and healing nutrients than commercial greens. This is what I picked:

Chrysanthemum Garland
Celery Cabbage
Young Ocra Leaf
Basil Leaf
Bitter Leaf

I have not been eating as many greens during winter and even the green juice that I intend to drink every day, has been skipped lately. Its time to get back to the good daily habits, I need them for strengt! I was surely ment to find these herbs, at least it got me very inspired!
When I went to pay, I asked the lady about the Chrysanthemum and Bitter Leaf. She said " you have picked very healthy herbs, they are bitter in taste but very good for you" Especially "Bitter Leaf" is great. It is common to give it to people that am having trouble sleeping or have a fever. She said it calms down the system. Isn`t that great!?
I found some great info online:

From a Blog called Rasta Seed I found this: In the Western Societies sugar and salt are the two main flavours that we consume and the consequences of this are dire for our health. The Chinese Indians and Africans incorporate bitter and sour tastes into their diet regularly as they have had to rely on natural endogenous plants and herbs for their medicine for thousands of years.

From another page called African Foods I find that Bitter leafs is derived from the leaves of a small ever-green shrub found all over Africa called Vernonia, belonging to the family Asteraceace. The leaves have great nutritional, herbal and medicinal value and is widely used especially in west africa. It is effective in preventing indigestion, scurvy, sciatica, and rheumatism.
They also contain a lot of Zinc which is necessary for beautiful skin!

So now I am going to make a nice salad for myself. I have some pomagranate and avocado I think will fit perfectly.

Here it is, delicous! I added avocado, two tomatoes, onion, olives, chili dulce and pomegranate. Dressing with lime and garlic. Nam Nam!

The Principle Of Life Transformation

"Correcting oneself is correcting the whole world. The sun is simply bright. It does not correct anyone. Because it shines, the whole world is full of light. Transforming yourself is a means of giving light to the whole world"

- Ramana Maharshi

Friday, 4 February 2011

In the Floww with Fred

My cousin has been elected as candidate for Mayor in Akershus. In the family we laugh and say its about time, she has been practising on the family long enough. Vibeke Limi is one of the most generous and giving people I know and she truly cares. Nothing is small about her, nor her hair that is curly, has been dyed red and gathered on top of her head in a strange 80`s fashion for years. Vibeke quite like to be in the spotlight (Leo rising), but I think she thought it was time for a change. Typically her, she cut it herself into what I believe she thinks look more "straight" or "controlled". She deserves far better! Today I am takng her to my old friend Fred who is an institution in Oslo. Glamorous and Fab, he is also beyond fashion and knows how to make a women feel and look her best. It a very interesting combination the two of them...Vibeke is afraid of hairdressers. I am really excited about this. Fingers crossed. She deserves the best and good hair is also good health. Seriously!

Her shining self!!

Thursday, 3 February 2011

New Moon in Aquarius - set your intentions

New moons are new beginnings and a good time to meditate on your intentions. I visualize myself taking care of business and expanding in the world.

There is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold on to the shore.
They will feel they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.
Know the river has its destination.