Thursday, 26 May 2011

What changed me?

Was it the woman who taught me to meditate on my heart, was it finally escaping the TV, was it the rejection of my father or the deceipt by my childs father? Or was it understanding that this is a blessing? Was it feeling alone? Was it the love for my son and his deep wisdom and compassion? Was it the view from my many windows and my longing for more or was it the people who mysteriously left me with no choice but to open my heart? Was it all the signs coming my way, the subtle and mind blowing synchronicities?
Was it the marvelling at all creation? Was it the mountains and knowledge carried thru generations? Was it the wonder there within? Was it my aunts loving voice always with me or the quiet moments by the fireplace?
Was it breathing?
Was it getting lost and learning to trust myself? Was it speaking my truth?
Was it the inspiration from Superheroes and all the Cacao?
Was it the knowledge and passion from Mr. Wolfe, the Dazzle from Shazzie and the large amounts of superfoods and magic herbs?
Was it the joy of discovering people that puts words to my thoughts and blow my mind? People who choose to see the beauty and make us laugh? Was it the teas from Elwin, the Chaga from the mountains, the Reishi and the chanting? Was it all the green juices, the detox, minerals and flowers? Was it helping dear ones passing over? Or maybe it was the plant spirits? Was it reconnecting with old friends and seeing that we were never separated, that people are angels?
Or could it have been the endless hours in a corporate office, seeing the world thru a window and wondering “How did I get here?”

Anyway, I am flying now and my heart is beating.