Saturday, 13 August 2011

Corsica - Let the good times roll

I think I have found my dream place on Earth. I fell in love with Corsica. Ok, I was in an exceptional place for sure staying at the old Convent St. Francescu that belongs to my friend from the modelling days Candida Romero and her mother, the painter Simone Dat. When they bought the convent 11 years ago it was in ruins and restoring it is an ongoing project, but my is it beautiful! Nothing looks new, it looks like it has been like this forever except the pool of course and other bits and bobs, but really all the stone work and floors looks untouched and its beauty talks of a lot of labour done with love and finesse.
The gardens on each side are created by Candida and all the lovely rooms that used to be the nuns "cells" are all lovely. The whole place has the most lovely atmosphere, its light and friendly and peaceful and this is of course very much because of the lovely ladies there Candida and her mother Simone who is 84 and who stays there all thru the year. I love meeting cool and engaged older people. It gives me hope. This is what we rarely see at home in Norway, where older people sadly are much alone and become just sad and old.
Not this lady. With a deep interest in art, films, literature and music she has a lot of fun stories to share.
Candida told me, she said you will find its quite an emotional place. Its an island and everything gets very concentrated there. They have ocean and mountains, they can even go skiing in the winter. Its beauty and rawness reminded me a bit of home except that they are of course blessed with delicious temperature.
I did get moved by the place. It`s hard to explain but its like opening up a window to get a glimpse of something real. Nothing superficial about it. The people I met where friendly and very much themselves. They talked about real things, like you know life,trees and plants and they were friendly. 
I was in the north part of the island and I understand the south part is quite something different, a lot more developed by tourists. That`s where you will find the white sandy beaches but we knew of one too and went there by boat every day. Like being in the Maldives! Such happy days. Pure Beauty and that is all I want. Simple Beauty that`s all. I want to go back and I want it to be soon. Real soon!