Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Sugar oh sweet sweet sugar....

Today Passion magazine posted an article by Elwin Robinson from Lion Heart Herbs on the biggest drug of them all, Sugar!
How perfect! My move from my apartment and the changes I have been going thru lately has made me reach for chocolate bars while on the move. Great sometimes, fills me up for the time being, but daily it quickly gives me some undesired side effects! Belly and thighs, I say no more...
Why does that happen? Bad planning of course, is part of it, but it goes deeper than that for sure. I don`t know many people who don`t suffer from addiction in one form or the other, whatever our intentions and better knowing are, when in time of stress we seem unable to follow thru. Elwin who is a Taoist Tonic herbalist gives a very good explanation and a different angle in his article. You can go to Shazzies page and sign up and its sent to your e-mail address www.detoxyourworld.com

Sugar is such a bad one, it worries me to see how many kids that are addicted. Parents when trying to stop it promise them money as a reward for not eating it, but at the same time they feed them pasta, potatoes and bread on daily basis, not realizing that this is sugar too! I have seen enough kids on this ban, sneak off to fill up with sweets, with the money they can get their hands on. Soda seems to be the big one. Why do we give our kids soda at all, what happened to common sense?

Michael Murray ND and Joseph Pizzorno ND writes: "Many general dietary factors have been suggested as a cause of osteoporosis, including: low calcium-high phosphorus intake, high-protein diet, high-acid-ash diet, high salt intake, and trace mineral deficiencies. It appears that increased soft drink consumption is a major factor that contributes to osteoporosis. A deficiency of vitamin K leads to impaired mineralization of bone. Boron deficiency may contribute greatly to osteoporosis as well as to menopausal symptoms."

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/004416.html

If you give them healthy options they will develop healthy taste buds and have less cravings. One of the scariest factors about all the sugar in our diet is that we develop addictive behavior that easily can develop into other drug addictions later on.

So why do we reach for sugar?

Well, we all want sweetness in our life don`t we?! According to Chinese Traditional medicine we need six tastes: sweet, sour, salty, astringent, bitter and pungent in order to feel satisfied. Sugar is also required for the body to live so what we need to look at is finding healthy alternatives to white sugars such and corn syrup. When we eat these bad sugars they act like a drug in our body and actually changes the body chemistry. The body also changes sugar into fat in the bloodstream. We all know that sugar can give us instant energy, but the effect is also followed by a hangover that makes us feel tired and irritable. When we get the “high and low” from sugar we put a lot of stress on our body, overstimulating the endocrine system.
Another bad side effect is that too much sugar triggers the release of alkaline minerals, like calcium from the bones to balance out the acidic side effect from the sugar. We loose these minerals in our urine and thats not where we want them, is it?

Finding healthy alternatives is the way to go. Find healthy ways to add sweetness to our lives.
I still have to learn more about making sweets, its never really been my thing, and my cacao smoothies have kept me happy, but I will really put some time into making some raw chocolate and raw cakes. I also yet have to try making raw ice cream. I think I will surprise Dylan with that when he comes home. Its like the best thing ever and not hard to make, it just needs a little planning. I`ll let you know;)

I will share more with you this week on sugar. Its a huge subject. The most important is that we
become aware of why we have these cravings and that there are ways to overcome them that does not mean you have take sweetness out of your life!

Read Elwins article and if you should want a consultation with him ( he is great!) you find him at Lion Heart Herbs www.lionheartherbs.com
He also has some really great informative videos there:)


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