Sunday, 17 April 2011

Detox day 1

So, intending to drink a lot of water today, I filled up my jar and went down to the sea to enjoy the nice air, do some breathing and enjoy everyone just being out loving the feeling of spring!

Water is essential to life and is what carries minerals and nutrients to our cells, and water flush out the bad toxins. To have a well functioning immune system we must be well hydrated and best of all, when our cells function properly we also become more beautiful with clear and radiant skin!

If you can get to natural spring water, that is the best way to go. 
Ok, when we dont have it there are ways that we can improve the water we have. I like to put my water thru a filtering can to remove anything bad and then put minerals back in. I will use a little good natural sea salt or Himalaya salt. Then I add some lemon or whatever I have to give it more life! 

Lots of stuff went into this water, lemon, ginger, Goji Berries, mineral salts and MSM. Want to know what MSM is? MSM is a sulphur, a key component for beautiful, hair, skin, teeth and all the connective tissues. It does us a great deal of good, and is part of my detox regime and I take it every day!
I have a lot of info and will write more in my next post, but if you have any kind of skin issue, you want to take MSM. It is not sold in Norway, but you can buy it online from many sources. Dont have to go further than Sweden

Here is my Jar of water. I did not manage to drink it all, it was not very convenient drinking that much water with people around, because the bushes did not have enough leaves on them yet to hide me.....

When I came home I had this, one of my new favorites- Grapefruit and Raspberry juice. NAM! Now I am hungry, must figure out what to eat....

I squeezed two grapefruits into my blender and added a handful of frozen rapberries. Easy, peacy

It was lovely by the sea, everyone relaxing and smiling. We love Springtime!!

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