Saturday 13 August 2011

Corsica - Let the good times roll

I think I have found my dream place on Earth. I fell in love with Corsica. Ok, I was in an exceptional place for sure staying at the old Convent St. Francescu that belongs to my friend from the modelling days Candida Romero and her mother, the painter Simone Dat. When they bought the convent 11 years ago it was in ruins and restoring it is an ongoing project, but my is it beautiful! Nothing looks new, it looks like it has been like this forever except the pool of course and other bits and bobs, but really all the stone work and floors looks untouched and its beauty talks of a lot of labour done with love and finesse.
The gardens on each side are created by Candida and all the lovely rooms that used to be the nuns "cells" are all lovely. The whole place has the most lovely atmosphere, its light and friendly and peaceful and this is of course very much because of the lovely ladies there Candida and her mother Simone who is 84 and who stays there all thru the year. I love meeting cool and engaged older people. It gives me hope. This is what we rarely see at home in Norway, where older people sadly are much alone and become just sad and old.
Not this lady. With a deep interest in art, films, literature and music she has a lot of fun stories to share.
Candida told me, she said you will find its quite an emotional place. Its an island and everything gets very concentrated there. They have ocean and mountains, they can even go skiing in the winter. Its beauty and rawness reminded me a bit of home except that they are of course blessed with delicious temperature.
I did get moved by the place. It`s hard to explain but its like opening up a window to get a glimpse of something real. Nothing superficial about it. The people I met where friendly and very much themselves. They talked about real things, like you know life,trees and plants and they were friendly. 
I was in the north part of the island and I understand the south part is quite something different, a lot more developed by tourists. That`s where you will find the white sandy beaches but we knew of one too and went there by boat every day. Like being in the Maldives! Such happy days. Pure Beauty and that is all I want. Simple Beauty that`s all. I want to go back and I want it to be soon. Real soon!

Thursday 26 May 2011

What changed me?

Was it the woman who taught me to meditate on my heart, was it finally escaping the TV, was it the rejection of my father or the deceipt by my childs father? Or was it understanding that this is a blessing? Was it feeling alone? Was it the love for my son and his deep wisdom and compassion? Was it the view from my many windows and my longing for more or was it the people who mysteriously left me with no choice but to open my heart? Was it all the signs coming my way, the subtle and mind blowing synchronicities?
Was it the marvelling at all creation? Was it the mountains and knowledge carried thru generations? Was it the wonder there within? Was it my aunts loving voice always with me or the quiet moments by the fireplace?
Was it breathing?
Was it getting lost and learning to trust myself? Was it speaking my truth?
Was it the inspiration from Superheroes and all the Cacao?
Was it the knowledge and passion from Mr. Wolfe, the Dazzle from Shazzie and the large amounts of superfoods and magic herbs?
Was it the joy of discovering people that puts words to my thoughts and blow my mind? People who choose to see the beauty and make us laugh? Was it the teas from Elwin, the Chaga from the mountains, the Reishi and the chanting? Was it all the green juices, the detox, minerals and flowers? Was it helping dear ones passing over? Or maybe it was the plant spirits? Was it reconnecting with old friends and seeing that we were never separated, that people are angels?
Or could it have been the endless hours in a corporate office, seeing the world thru a window and wondering “How did I get here?”

Anyway, I am flying now and my heart is beating.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Third day is good in many ways

Well, first of all my belly is definately less swollen and my digestive system is working much better! Feels really good. I have continued drinking lots of water with the good salt and huge green juices, still only celery and cucumber.

had a slight stress attcks this morning as I had to get some of my belongings to the storeroom today ( my kind cousin who is keeping it is going on holiday) and then I was wondering what to bring! I cn not take much with me to Paris and I found myself in the bathroom trying on pants and not having a clue what to keep. Oh well, I solved it, I filled up the car with what could definitely go and I am still here with all the pants and tops and biggest challenge....the food!
I have a huge box just of seaweed, not to mention the many jars of Chaga and supplements. Can I take it all before I go?
Surely not, and I wonder how much Chaga I can allow into my suitcase. The lrge amount of seaweed tells me I have not eaten enough. It is like the most nourishing, cleansing food on the planet and I have really planned to eat it every day. Oh well, I will get there. I guess I will be giving away stuff to some very lucky friends before I leave:)

Good thing done today was talk with the bank. They are setting up an account for my company. Still so much to do though, I hope I will find the time and space in Paris to continue on my mission which is setting up my own online shop. I have a lovely friend who has told me she will work on a logo, so I am excited about that.

I like this one today:
"One must still have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star." -Friedrich Nietzsche

Monday 18 April 2011

Day two and still on detox with icecream;)

I just made myself a Strawberry Chocolate Ice cream!

I took two frozen bananas
Some frozen raspberries and strawberries
Then I added some Lecithin - very good for the brain!
Then of course some raw chocolate, about two table spoons
Blend it all in a mixer and it turns into the most delicious ice cream:)

Four liters of water a day is easier said than done, but I must have drunk over two for sure! Had a couple of large green juices made from celery and cucumber, juicing up those cells!

Same thing happened as yesterday though, I get to the evening and I am hungry, surely need to get more juice or salad in during the day, but I do feel better and lighter. One more day of mostly liquids for sure, then I will see how I feel. Its easter after all and I will surely be spending some lovely dinner with friends. Looking forward to it!

Tomorrow I will take some more stuff out of the house. Preparing myself to travel and right now I feel a little overwhelmed by logistics. I cannot take a lot with me and that means most of my books, papers, and winter clothes has to be put into storage. Feels very strange right now and frightening. Cutting down to a minimum is what I have decided to do, but right now a place to call my own would have made me very happy.
I will pat myself on the back and tell myself how courageous I am and I know I am protected and everything will work out just fine.
Living my life to the fullest:)

Sunday 17 April 2011

Detox day 1

So, intending to drink a lot of water today, I filled up my jar and went down to the sea to enjoy the nice air, do some breathing and enjoy everyone just being out loving the feeling of spring!

Water is essential to life and is what carries minerals and nutrients to our cells, and water flush out the bad toxins. To have a well functioning immune system we must be well hydrated and best of all, when our cells function properly we also become more beautiful with clear and radiant skin!

If you can get to natural spring water, that is the best way to go. 
Ok, when we dont have it there are ways that we can improve the water we have. I like to put my water thru a filtering can to remove anything bad and then put minerals back in. I will use a little good natural sea salt or Himalaya salt. Then I add some lemon or whatever I have to give it more life! 

Lots of stuff went into this water, lemon, ginger, Goji Berries, mineral salts and MSM. Want to know what MSM is? MSM is a sulphur, a key component for beautiful, hair, skin, teeth and all the connective tissues. It does us a great deal of good, and is part of my detox regime and I take it every day!
I have a lot of info and will write more in my next post, but if you have any kind of skin issue, you want to take MSM. It is not sold in Norway, but you can buy it online from many sources. Dont have to go further than Sweden

Here is my Jar of water. I did not manage to drink it all, it was not very convenient drinking that much water with people around, because the bushes did not have enough leaves on them yet to hide me.....

When I came home I had this, one of my new favorites- Grapefruit and Raspberry juice. NAM! Now I am hungry, must figure out what to eat....

I squeezed two grapefruits into my blender and added a handful of frozen rapberries. Easy, peacy

It was lovely by the sea, everyone relaxing and smiling. We love Springtime!!

Belly fat - oh no!

I am so ready for a spring clean!
I have been feeling stressed, a little bloated, unfocused and more...all signs that my cells am not the happiest and poor things, they are just not able to get rid of the junk that is covering them. How are they supposed to do their job? They need help, surely;) hmmmm

This is what I intend to do:

Drink as much water as I can manage
Drink a lot more green juices, mostly from celery and cucumber
Dry brush my body to help the lymph system remove those toxins
Do my deep breathing excercise to take the body out of stress and help digestion
My daily morning stretching to get everything moving

And then I will do my very, very best to get up earlier so I can get done with some work in the morning and feel free to go outside and get fresh air. Its also so lovely here now and just seeing everything come to life will make me happy and calm I know.

So even though my family all enjoying their easter break in the mountains I am quite happy to stay in town. Its lovely here too and the ocean is minutes away. We have been promised sun too and I really need to get some sun on this skin. I am the color anyone would be from spending six months under snow:)

Looking forward to my detox. Soon I will be on my travels and there is plenty still to do before I can leave. Must stay focused, no time to spin around myself, here only the best is good enough:-) 

This is my lovely pineapple smoothie. I used half a pinneapple and added one handful of spinach, a half a teaspoon cayenne pepper, half an avocado and the juice from half a lime. Delicious!

There are many good ways to detox and also many good herbs to assist you. I will ease my wy into no fats, so avocado will have to go for a couple of days, but for now its fine.
Just eating fruit for a day or three is a great way to go. Its all about giving the body a rest from digesting the heavy stuff so it easier can do the clean up job. Remember the body does this all the time, the problem is just that we give it more toxins than it can deal with, so with some good fluids and minerals it can get some good help. And remember to think happy thoughts, the way we feel has a whole lot to do with how the digestive system works. I notice myself that whenever I get into stress and worry I get that unwanted little flab right where I dont want it:)

Thursday 14 April 2011

A Pink Bridge must be for kissing

We have a new bridge in town. Downtown Oslo. Its something else, as you walk across at night it changes colour!  A pink bridge calls for romance, I sure feel ready for some kissing:)

The inauguration was on saturday and as I walked across I saw at least 10 couples kissing. Ahhh, its true as they say, a bridge is a place for romance, I should spend a lot more time crossing bridges, you never know.....

Later on the same night I was told that all those romantic couples were actually paid to kiss! 
Oh well, it does not matter, I got the point!
Crossing bridges is a good thing to do. It opens up to new possibilities, and I as I change my life am most surely crossing bridges in my own way daily. Getting ready to move on, working on a business, free to go, looks like my first stop will be Paris.

There are plenty of beautiful bridges in Paris. xxx