Tuesday 19 April 2011

Third day is good in many ways

Well, first of all my belly is definately less swollen and my digestive system is working much better! Feels really good. I have continued drinking lots of water with the good salt and huge green juices, still only celery and cucumber.

had a slight stress attcks this morning as I had to get some of my belongings to the storeroom today ( my kind cousin who is keeping it is going on holiday) and then I was wondering what to bring! I cn not take much with me to Paris and I found myself in the bathroom trying on pants and not having a clue what to keep. Oh well, I solved it, I filled up the car with what could definitely go and I am still here with all the pants and tops and biggest challenge....the food!
I have a huge box just of seaweed, not to mention the many jars of Chaga and supplements. Can I take it all before I go?
Surely not, and I wonder how much Chaga I can allow into my suitcase. The lrge amount of seaweed tells me I have not eaten enough. It is like the most nourishing, cleansing food on the planet and I have really planned to eat it every day. Oh well, I will get there. I guess I will be giving away stuff to some very lucky friends before I leave:)

Good thing done today was talk with the bank. They are setting up an account for my company. Still so much to do though, I hope I will find the time and space in Paris to continue on my mission which is setting up my own online shop. I have a lovely friend who has told me she will work on a logo, so I am excited about that.

I like this one today:
"One must still have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star." -Friedrich Nietzsche

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